What are the Main Branches of Forensic Science?

What are the Main Branches of Forensic Science?

BY SIFS India | July 28, 2024

What are the Main Branches of Forensic Science?

How many branches are there in forensic science?

If this question frequently pops up in your mind, then you are not alone.

There is no set number as to how many branches this ever-growing field has. With time, several advancements take place, and new fields emerge as individual or sub-fields of the existing fields.

Forensic science is an interdisciplinary field. It covers the application of various general and applied sciences to develop techniques to solve crimes for investigative purposes. 

The primary aim of this field is to provide evidence that is admissible in court, provide justice to the innocent, and bring forth the actual perpetrators. 

There are various branches of forensic science, and it is not possible to discuss them all in one place. However, here we have provided an overview of the most common branches.

Forensic Accounting

It involves the investigation of financial records by forensic accountants to detect fraud, money laundering, and other financial irregularities. It combines accounting, auditing, and investigative skills and techniques to analyze complex financial data and provide evidence in legal cases.

Forensic Anthropology

It involves the application of skeletal analysis techniques in archaeology to solve criminal cases. Forensic anthropologists identify human remains, determine age, sex, ancestry, and cause of death, and assist law enforcement professionals in identifying victims of crimes or disasters.

Forensic Archaeology

It uses archaeological methods to locate, recover, and analyze evidence from crime scenes, mass graves, or disaster sites. It involves meticulous excavation and documentation to ensure the integrity of evidence for legal proceedings.

Forensic Artistry

It involves creating visual representations to aid in criminal investigations. This includes composite sketches, age progression images, and facial reconstructions of unidentified remains, helping law enforcement identify suspects or victims.

Forensic Astronomy

It uses astronomical data and methods to solve legal cases. It can determine the position of celestial objects to validate alibis, time-stamp events in historical investigations, or analyze images for authenticity.

Forensic Audio Analysis

It involves the examination of audio recordings to identify speakers by enhancing audio clarity and finally authenticating the authenticity of the recordings. This field is crucial in legal cases involving recorded evidence, such as phone calls or surveillance audio, thereby ensuring accurate analysis and representation of the content.

Forensic Ballistics

It involves the analysis of firearms, bullets, and ammunition to solve crimes. Experts examine bullet trajectories, gunshot residues, and firearm mechanisms to identify the weapon used and link it to suspects and crime scenes.

Forensic Biology

It uses biological techniques to analyze evidence from crime scenes. This includes DNA profiling, bloodstain pattern analysis, and examination of bodily fluids to identify individuals and suspects and understand the circumstances of a crime.

Forensic Biometric Analysis

It involves identifying individuals based on unique physical characteristics, such as fingerprints, facial features, iris patterns, and voice recognition. This field is essential for verifying identities in criminal investigations and security settings.

Forensic Biotechnology

It involves the application of advanced biotechnological methods to analyze genetic material and other biological evidence in criminal cases. Techniques like DNA sequencing and genetic marker analysis help identify suspects, victims, and biological relationships.

Forensic Botany

It is a field that uses plant material to aid in criminal investigations. This includes analyzing pollen, seeds, leaves, and other plant parts to determine the location and time of a crime and linking suspects or victims to specific environments.

CCTV Forensics

It involves analyzing surveillance footage to investigate crimes. Experts enhance video quality, identify suspects, analyze movements, and authenticate footage to gather evidence and reconstruct events at crime scenes.

Cyber Forensic

It is also known as digital forensics and involves the recovery, analysis, preservation, and examination of data from electronic devices. It includes investigating cyber crimes, data breaches, and digital evidence to identify perpetrators and support legal proceedings.

Forensic Chemistry

It applies chemical analysis techniques to examine substances found at crime scenes. This includes identifying drugs, explosives, toxins, and other materials, providing crucial evidence in criminal investigations and legal cases.

Forensic Crime Scene Investigation

It involves systematically identifying, collecting, preserving, and analyzing physical evidence found at crime scenes. Investigators document the scene, gather evidence such as fingerprints, DNA, and trace materials, and reconstruct the events of the crime.

Forensic Criminology

It studies criminal behavior, motives behind crime, and crime patterns to aid in solving crimes and preventing future offences. This field combines criminological theories with forensic science to analyze criminal cases and provide insights into the psychological and social aspects of criminal activity.

Digital Forensics

It involves the recovery, analysis, preservation, and examination of data from electronic devices. Experts extract and interpret information to investigate cyber crimes, to support legal bodies, and identify perpetrators.

Forensic DNA Fingerprinting

It involves analyzing an individual's unique DNA profile for identification purposes. This technique is crucial in criminal investigations, paternity testing, and identifying human remains, providing highly accurate and reliable evidence.

Forensic Document Examination

It involves analyzing documents to determine their authenticity, origin, and any alterations. Experts examine handwriting, ink, paper, printing techniques, and other characteristics to detect forgeries and verify the legitimacy of documents.

Forensic Ear Print Analysis

It involves examining ear prints left at crime scenes to identify suspects. Experts compare the unique patterns of ridges and grooves in an ear print to known samples, aiding in the identification process.

Election Forensics

It uses statistical methods and data analysis to detect irregularities or fraud in election results. Experts analyze voting patterns, turnout rates, and other electoral data to ensure the integrity and fairness of the electoral process.

Forensic Engineering

It involves the application of engineering principles to investigate failures, accidents, and structural collapses. Experts analyze materials, structures, and mechanical systems to determine the causes of incidents and provide evidence in legal cases.

Forensic Entomology

It involves studying the life cycle of insects found on decomposing bodies to estimate the time of death and other details in criminal investigations. By doing this, experts can provide critical information about the timing and circumstances of death.

Forensic Fingerprint Examination

It involves analyzing and comparing fingerprints to identify individuals. Experts examine ridge patterns, minutiae points, and other unique characteristics of fingerprints found at crime scenes to match them with suspects or database records.

Forensic Genealogy

It uses genetic and genealogical methods to identify individuals and their familial relationships. This is usually used to solve cold cases, identify unknown remains, and verify biological relationships through DNA analysis and genealogical research.

Forensic Geology

It involves the application of geological principles to investigate crimes. Experts analyze soil, minerals, rocks, and other geological materials found at crime scenes to link suspects or objects to specific locations and understand the environmental context of a crime.

Forensic Geophysics

It utilizes geophysical techniques to locate and investigate subsurface evidence in criminal cases. Methods such as ground-penetrating radar and electromagnetic surveys help detect buried objects, clandestine graves, and hidden structures without excavation.

Forensic Geotechnical Engineering

It involves investigating failures related to soil and rock mechanics, foundations, and earth structures. Experts analyze ground conditions, construction practices, and material properties to determine the causes of structural failures and provide evidence in legal disputes.

Forensic Graphology

It involves the analysis of handwriting to determine the state of mind of the criminal during a crime and assess personality traits. Experts examine handwriting characteristics such as strokes, pressure, spacing, slant, alignment, etc. to analyze behavioral tendencies.

Forensic Hypnosis

It uses hypnotic techniques to help witnesses recall details of a crime that may not be accessible through normal memory recall. While controversial, it can sometimes provide leads or corroborate evidence in criminal investigations.

Forensic Imaging

It is a non-invasive investigative technique and involves using photographic and radiographic techniques to document and analyze evidence. This includes capturing crime scenes, injuries, and other physical evidence, as well as using advanced imaging technologies like CT scans and MRI for detailed internal examinations.

Forensic Insurance Fraud

It involves the investigation of fraudulent claims in the insurance industry. Experts analyze documentation, financial records, and other evidence to detect false claims, framed accidents, and other fraudulent activities, assisting in legal proceedings and financial recovery.

Forensic Limnology

It is the study of freshwater ecosystems that gathers evidence in criminal investigations. Experts analyze water quality, plant life, and microorganisms to determine the time and location of crimes, often in cases involving bodies of water.

Forensic Linguistics

It analyzes the language used in written and spoken communication to solve crimes. Experts examine syntax, grammar, word choice, and other linguistic features to identify authors, detect deception, and provide insights into the intent and meaning of communications.

Forensic Medicine

It includes applying medical knowledge to investigate legal cases. Experts perform autopsies, analyze injuries, and determine causes of death to provide evidence in criminal investigations and legal proceedings.

Forensic Meteorology

It involves analyzing weather conditions and phenomena to provide evidence in legal cases. Experts study weather patterns, precipitation data, and atmospheric conditions to reconstruct events, assess environmental impacts, and support legal arguments.

Forensic Metrology

It involves the application of metrological principles to measure and analyze physical evidence in legal cases. Experts use precise measurement techniques to verify dimensions, weights, and other properties of objects, ensuring accuracy in forensic investigations.

Forensic Microbiology

It uses microbiological techniques to analyze biological evidence in criminal investigations. Experts study bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms to identify pathogens, trace sources of contamination, and provide microbial evidence in legal cases.

Mobile Phone Forensics

It involves recovering and analyzing data from mobile devices to gather evidence in criminal investigations. Experts extract call logs, text messages, GPS data, and app usage to reconstruct timelines, establish communications, and link suspects to crimes.

Forensic Nanotechnology

It applies nanoscale materials and techniques to analyze evidence in criminal investigations. Experts use nanoparticles for detection, imaging, and analysis of trace evidence, enhancing the sensitivity and specificity of forensic analyses.

Forensic Neuropsychology

It involves the application of psychological principles to assess brain function and behavior in legal contexts. Experts evaluate cognitive abilities, emotional responses, and neurological conditions to provide insights into criminal behavior, competence, and mental health issues in legal proceedings.

Forensic Nursing

It combines nursing expertise with forensic science to assist the healthcare sector and collect evidence for legal cases. Forensic nurses assist in treating victims of violence, documenting injuries, and preserving forensic evidence in a manner admissible in court.

Forensic Odontology or Dentistry

It uses dental expertise to identify individuals and analyze dental evidence in legal cases. Experts examine teeth, dental records, and bite marks to identify victims, determine age, and provide evidence linking suspects to crimes.

Forensic Optometry

It applies optical and vision science to analyze eye-related evidence in legal cases. Experts assess vision impairments, examine ocular injuries, and analyze optical data to provide insights into incidents such as accidents, assaults, or criminal activities involving visual evidence.

Forensic Pathology

It involves the examination of the cause and manner of death through an autopsy and the investigation of human remains. Pathologists analyze injuries, diseases, and toxicology to determine the circumstances surrounding deaths in legal investigations.

Forensic Photography

It involves documenting crime scenes, injuries, and evidence using specialized photographic techniques. Photographers capture detailed images for analysis, reconstruction, and presentation in legal proceedings, providing visual documentation crucial to forensic investigations.

Forensic Physics

It involves the application of principles of physics to analyze physical evidence in legal cases. Experts study motion, energy, and materials to reconstruct events, analyze accidents, and provide scientific explanations for phenomena relevant to criminal investigations.

Forensic Podiatry

It involves analyzing footprints, footwear, and foot-related evidence in legal cases. Experts examine gait patterns, wear marks on shoes, and injuries to identify individuals, link suspects to crime scenes, and provide evidence in criminal investigations.

Forensic Private Investigation

It combines investigative techniques and legal expertise to gather evidence for legal cases. Private investigators specialize in uncovering facts, conducting surveillance, and providing information admissible in court, often supporting criminal defence or civil litigation.

Forensic Psychiatry

It involves assessing mental health and behavior in legal contexts. Psychiatrists evaluate defendants' competency, sanity, and mental state at the time of a crime, providing expert opinions to courts on criminal responsibility and treatment recommendations.

Forensic Psychology

It involves the application of psychological principles to understand criminal behavior and provide insights from a legal perspective. Psychologists assess suspects, victims, and witnesses, conduct evaluations, and provide expert testimony on topics such as criminal profiling, witness credibility, and rehabilitation strategies.

Forensic Radiology

It involves the use of medical imaging techniques such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs to analyze injuries, identify foreign objects, and assess skeletal remains in legal investigations. Radiologists provide expert interpretations of imaging findings to support forensic pathology and crime scene reconstruction.

Forensic Seismology

It involves analyzing seismic data to investigate explosions, earthquakes, and other events relevant to legal cases. Experts study seismic waves, their propagation, and signatures to determine the location, magnitude, and potential causes of seismic events related to criminal activities or disasters.

Forensic Serology

It involves analyzing bodily fluids such as blood, saliva, and semen to identify individuals and provide evidence in legal cases. Experts use immunological techniques to detect specific antigens and antibodies, linking suspects to crime scenes or victims and confirming biological relationships.

Forensic Social Work

It involves the application of social work principles to assist individuals involved in legal systems. Social workers provide support to victims, witnesses, and offenders, assess family dynamics, and collaborate with legal professionals to ensure safety, fairness, and rehabilitation within legal frameworks.

Forensic Toxicology

It involves the analysis of bodily fluids and tissues for drugs, chemicals, and toxins to determine their role in crimes or deaths. Experts identify substances, assess their effects on individuals, and provide evidence crucial to legal investigations and court proceedings.

Forensic Trace Evidence

It involves the examination of microscopic materials such as fibers, hair, glass fragments, and paint chips found at crime scenes. Experts use microscopy and chemical analysis to link suspects, victims, or objects to specific locations, providing critical evidence in criminal investigations.

Forensic Victimology

It studies the psychological, behavioral, and societal factors affecting victims of crimes. Experts analyze victim profiles, trauma responses, and interactions with offenders to understand victimization patterns and provide support within the legal framework.

Forensic Video Analysis

It involves analyzing and examining digital video recordings for legal purposes. Experts incorporate methods to enhance the footage to clarify details, identify individuals and objects, determine timelines, and reconstruct events based on visual evidence from surveillance or other sources.

Forensic Voice Analysis

It involves the evaluation of speech patterns, voiceprints, and linguistic features to identify individuals and assess the authenticity of audio recordings. Experts use spectrographic analysis and voice comparison techniques to support investigations involving voice-based evidence.

Wildlife Forensics

It applies scientific techniques to investigate crimes involving wildlife, such as poaching, trafficking, and environmental violations. Experts analyze biological samples, trace evidence, and DNA to identify species, determine origin, and provide evidence for legal proceedings.

Forensic Zoology

It involves studying animal evidence and behavior to provide insights into legal investigations. Experts analyze animal remains, tracks, and behaviors to determine their role in crimes, wildlife management, and environmental impact assessments.


Forensic science is an emerging field and has witnessed significant growth due to increasing globalization and rising crime rates. 

As a result, constant research and development are carried out, leading to the evolution of new ways of solving crime. 

Each branch of forensic science is gaining attention, allowing aspiring forensic scientists to engage in detailed studies and acquire in-depth knowledge about their specific areas of interest.

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