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UGC NET Learning Program | Mock Test Series

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The UGC NET Learning Mock Test Series is an initiative of  Sherlock Institute of Forensic Science (SIFS India).

The program is specifically designed for UGC NET aspirants to help them gain a competitive advantage over peers and to enhance their chances of success on their initial attempt itself.

The mock test series aligns with the UGC NET syllabus, with particular emphasis on the previous 10-years question papers of the UGC NET exams.

So, even if you are a first-time test taker or have previously attempted the exam, this mock test practice will help everyone to understand basic concept, identify their past mistakes, and correct them effectively.

Program Benefits:

Enrolling in this program offers several benefits to UGC NET aspirants, like:

Exam Pattern Understanding: With a focus on past-year exam papers and trends, you will have a clear concept of how to prepare for the exam to excel, which will at the same time boost your confidence.

Time Management: Mock Test Series help candidates to practice the time management, which will boost the confidence.

By enrolling in this mock test series, you will be equipped with the knowledge, strategy, and resources required to clear the UGC NET exam in your upcoming attempt, leading to academic success and professional growth.


1770 INR (1500 INR + 18% GST)

Scholarship Reward

A.  200% Scholarship  for all registered students who qualify for JRF

B.  100% Scholarship for all registered students who qualify for NET (AP)

C. Awarded with Mock Test Series for all registered students who qualify for NET (Ph.D.)

Student will Receive

Paper I
10 Unit-wise Test (50 Questions Each)

02 Final Exam (50 Questions Each)

Useful Reference Materials and Recorded Session
Paper II
40 Practice Test (25 Questions Each)

10 Unit-wise Exam (50 Questions Each)

02 Final Exam (100 Questions Each)

Useful Reference Materials and All Recorded Sessions

  • Paper I
    Unit-I: Teaching Aptitude Syllabus
    • Teaching: Concept, Objectives, Levels of teaching (Memory, Understanding and Reflective), Characteristics and basic requirements.
    • Learner’s characteristics: Characteristics of adolescent and adult learners (Academic, Social, Emotional and Cognitive), Individual differences.
    • Factors affecting teaching related to Teacher, Learner, Support material, Instructional facilities, Learning environment and Institution.
    • Methods of teaching in Institutions of higher learning: Teacher centred vs. Learner-centred methods; offline vs. Online methods (Swayam, Swayamprabha, MOOCs etc.).
    • Teaching Support System: Traditional, Modern and ICT based.
    • Evaluation Systems: Elements and Types of evaluation, Evaluation in Choice Based Credit System in Higher education, Computer-based testing, Innovations in evaluation systems.

    Unit-II: Research Aptitude Syllabus
    • Research: Meaning, Types, and Characteristics, Positivism and Postpositivistic approach to research.
    • Methods of Research: Experimental, Descriptive, Historical, Qualitative and Quantitative Methods, Steps of Research.
    • Thesis and Article writing: Format and styles of referencing.
    • Application of ICT in research.
    • Research ethics.

    Unit-III Comprehension Syllabus
    • A passage of text is given. Questions are asked from the passage to be answered.

    Unit-IV: Communication
    • Communication: Meaning, types and characteristics of communication.
    • Effective communication: Verbal and Non-verbal, Inter-Cultural and group communications, Classroom communication.
    • Barriers to effective communication.
    • Mass-Media and Society.

    Unit-V: Mathematical Reasoning and Aptitude Syllabus
    • Types of reasoning.
    • Number series, Letter series, Codes and Relationships.
    • Mathematical Aptitude (Fraction, Time & Distance, Ratio, Proportion and Percentage, Profit and Loss, Interest and Discounting, Averages etc.).

    Unit-VI: Logical Reasoning Syllabus
    • Understanding the structure of arguments: argument forms, the structure of categorical propositions, Mood and Figure, Formal and Informal fallacies, Uses of language, Connotations and denotations of terms, Classical square of opposition.
    • Evaluating and distinguishing deductive and inductive reasoning.
    • Analogies.
    • Venn diagram: Simple and multiple uses for establishing the validity of arguments.
    • Indian Logic: Means of knowledge.
    • Pramanas: Pratyaksha (Perception), Anumana (Inference), Upamana (Comparison), Shabda (Verbal testimony), Arthapatti (Implication) and Anupalabddhi (Non-apprehension).
    • Structure and kinds of Anumana (inference), Vyapti (invariable relation), Hetvabhasas (fallacies of inference).

    Unit-VII: Data Interpretation Syllabus
    • Sources, acquisition and classification of Data.
    • Quantitative and Qualitative Data.
    • Graphical representation (Bar-chart, Histograms, Pie-chart, Table-chart and Line-chart) and mapping of Data.
    • Data Interpretation.
    • Data and Governance.

    Unit-VIII: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Syllabus
    • ICT: General abbreviations and terminology.
    • Basics of the Internet, Intranet, E-mail, Audio and Video-conferencing.
    • Digital initiatives in higher education.
    • ICT and Governance.

    Unit-IX: People, Development and Environment Syllabus
    • Development and environment: Millennium development and Sustainable development goals.
    • Human and environment interaction: Anthropogenic activities and their impacts on the environment.
    • Environmental issues: Local, Regional and Global; Air pollution, Water pollution, Soil pollution, Noise pollution, Waste (solid, liquid, biomedical, hazardous, electronic), Climate change and its Socio-Economic and Political dimensions.
    • Impacts of pollutants on human health.
    • Natural and energy resources: Solar, Wind, Soil, Hydro, Geothermal, Biomass, Nuclear and Forests.
    • Natural hazards and disasters: Mitigation strategies.
    • Environmental Protection Act (1986), National Action Plan on Climate Change, International agreements/efforts -Montreal Protocol, Rio Summit, Convention on Biodiversity, Kyoto Protocol, Paris Agreement, International Solar Alliance.

    Unit-X: Higher Education System Syllabus
    • Institutions of higher learning and education in ancient India.
    • Evolution of higher learning and research in Post Independence India.
    • Oriental, Conventional and Non-conventional learning programmes in India.
    • Professional, Technical and Skill-Based education.
    • Value education and environmental education.
    • Policies, Governance, and Administration.
  • Paper II (Forensic Science)

    Unit – I

    • Forensic Science: Definition, History & Development, Scope, Ethics in Forensic Science
    • Physical Evidence: Nature, Types, Search Methods, Collection, Preservation, Packing & Forwarding of Physical & Trace Evidence for Forensic Analyses, Chain of Custody
    • Crime Scene: Nature, Types, Preservation of Scene of Crime
    • Criminal Investigations: Unnatural Deaths, Criminal Assaults, Sexual Offenses, Poisoning, Vehicular Accidents
    • Courts: Types, Powers, and Jurisdiction, Admissibility of Evidence in Courts, Definition of Experts, Provisions in Cr. P.C.,1973 & Indian Evidence Act relating to experts & their reports; Court Procedures about Expert Testimony & Witness 
    • Organization of Forensic Science Laboratories of Centre and State, NCRB, and NICFS Fundamental Rights: Right of Equality (Articles 14 to 18) and Right of Freedom (Articles 19 to 22) as per the Constitution of India
    • Criminal Profiling: Profile of Victim and Culprit, its Role in Criminal Investigation, Lie Detection (Polygraphy), Narco analysis, Brain Mapping, Scope, and Limitations 
    • Concept of Quality Control Management in Forensic Institutions

    Unit – II

    • Microscopy: Polarizing, Comparison, Stereoscopic, Fluorescent, and Electron Microscopes
    • Spectrophotometry: UV, Visible, IR, Raman, Atomic absorption, Emission Neutron Activation Analysis X – rays and X-ray-based Techniques such as XRD, XRF Mass Spectroscopy
    • Chromatographic Techniques: TLC, GLC, HPLC,HPTLC
    • Hyphenated Techniques: GC-MS, LC-MS, IR-MS, and ICP-MS
    • Electrophoresis: High and Low Voltage Electrophoresis, Immunoelectrophoresis Immunoassays: Principle, Types, Techniques, and Applications

    Unit – III

    • Detection and Identification of Bloodstains
    • Determination of Species of Origin
    • Blood Group Systems
    • Techniques of Determination of Blood groups of Blood Stains
    • Detection of Seminal and other Body Fluids and their Blood
    • Grouping, Red Cells Enzymes, Serum Proteins of forensic significance
    • Disputed Paternity & Maternity
    • DNA: Structure, DNA as a Genetic Marker, DNA Extraction and Profiling Techniques
    • DNA Phenotyping and RNA Profiling & their Applications
    • Wildlife Forensics: Wildlife (Protection) Act,1972, Scope, Evidence and Identification

    Unit – IV

    • Analysis of Ethyl Alcohol in Beverages, Liquors, Biological Fluids, and Breath
    • Analysis of Methanol and Denaturants
    • Illicit Liquors
    • Analysis of Chemicals in Trap Cases
    • Metabolism and Chemical Examination of Insecticides & Pesticides, Tranquillizers & Sedatives, Hypnotics
    • Stimulants, Narcotics, Opiates, Drugs of Abuse; Analyses of above and their Toxicity
    • Plant Poisons
    • Metallic Poisons
    • Extraction, Isolation & Clean-up procedures, Identification of common poisons from Viscera, Tissues, and Body Fluids

    Unit – V

    • Firearms: Types, Classification, Ammunition, and their Compositions
    • Forensic examination of Firearms, Ammunition, Firearms Projectiles (Bullets, Shots, Slug, etc.), Shell Case
    • Gunshot Residues Analysis
    • Concept of Velocity, Penetration, Dispersion, Ricochet, Accidental Discharge, Determination of Range in Firearm Cases
    • Examination of Country made Firearms
    • Basics of Internal, External, and Terminal Ballistics
    • Tool marks: Meaning, Types, and Examination
    • Restoration of Erased Markings on Metal Surfaces

    Unit – VI

    • Fire and Arson: Analyses of Petroleum Products and other incendiary materials
    • Explosives: Definition, Types, and Analyses
    • Bombs: Country-made Bombs, Improvised Explosive Devices ( IEDs ), and their Examination
    • Investigation in Explosion and Arson-related Cases
    • Photography: Types, Application in Criminal Investigation & Forensic Evidence Examination

    Unit – VII

    • Hair & Fibers: Nature, Types, Structure, and Examination
    • Pollens and Diatoms: Their application in Forensic investigation
    • Dust & Soil: Nature, Types, Forensic Examination
    • Paint, Lacquer & Varnishes: Nature, Composition, and Forensic Examination
    • Glass: Composition, Types, Fractures, Examination 
    • Cement, Mortar, and Concrete: General Composition, Forensic Analyses
    • Computer Forensics: Introduction, Types of Computer Crimes, Digital Evidence- Seizure, Acquisition, and Forensic Examination
    • Mobile Phone Forensics

    Unit – VIII

    • Fingerprints: History, Characteristics, Types, Classification, Preservation, Development, Lifting and Comparison, Examination of Chance Prints, Computerization of Fingerprints, AFIS
    • Track Marks: Foot Prints, Shoe Prints, Tire Marks, Their Preservation & Casting, Comparison, Skid marks. Gait pattern
    • Biometric Systems of Identification and their Relevance
    • Voice Analysis: Introduction, Significance, Structure of Human Voice apparatus, Voice Spectrography, Voice Analyses, Legal aspects, and Limitations

    Unit – IX

    • Documents: Definition, Types, Preliminary Examination of Documents
    • Reproduction of Documents through Photographic and Mechanical means and their Examination
    • Examination of Alterations such as Erasures, Obliterations & Additions
    • Indentations, Secret Writings, and Charred Documents
    • Inks, Papers, and their Scientific Examinations with modern methods 
    • Age of Documents
    • Examination of Typescripts, Printed Matter including Currency Notes and Lottery Tickets. Mechanical Impressions
    • Hand writings: Class and Individual Characteristics of Handwritings, Factors affecting Handwritings, Standard Samples for Comparison, Comparison of Hand-written Texts
    • Anonymous and Disguised Writings
    • Identification of Handwriting, Signatures, Detection of Forged Signatures and Forgeries
    • Examination of Credit Cards and Similar materials

    Unit –X

    • Modes & Manner of Deaths, Sexual Offences, and their Medicolegal importance, Amendments in Law related to Sexual Offenses
    • Post-mortem Examination and Post-mortem Changes, Estimation of Time since death
    • Injuries & Wounds: Types, Medicolegal importance, Gunshot Wounds
    • Determination of Species of Origin, Sex, Age, Stature, and Individual Identification through Skeletal Remains
    • Identification through Skull Superimposition and Facial Reconstruction
    • Human Dentition, Type of Teeth, Determination of Age, Bite Marks
    • Forensic Entomology: Introduction, Insects of Forensic Importance, Insects on Carrion, Forensic Applications
  • What steps should I follow to enroll for the UGC NET Learning Mock Test Series?

    To enroll, click on the “Register for Course” option available on the right side of the screen, followed by the provided instructions and payment procedure.

  • Are there any opportunities for scholarships available in this mock test series?

    Yes, scholarship rewards are available for all the registered students who qualify for NET and JRF.

    200% Scholarship  for all registered students who qualify for JRF.

    100% Scholarship for all registered students who qualify for NET (AP).

    Re-assign Coursefor all registered students who qualify for NET (Ph.D.).

  • How will I receive confirmation once I have completed the payment procedure?

    Confirmation email will be sent with your portal credentials to your registered email ID once the payment is verified.

  • How do I login to the portal for mock test series?

    To login, visit the portal at the given link: and enter your login credentials, i.e., your username and password shared via email. 

  • What technical prerequisites are necessary for this mock test series?

    You can easily access on mobile or tablet devices. We highly recommend that you use your desktop or laptop and a reliable internet connection for a better view.

  • Where to contact in case of any queries or technical support?

    Write to us at, call: +91-1147074263, or WhatsApp: +91-7303913002.

  • What happens if I request a refund after the enrollment in this course?

    Unfortunately, refunds cannot be issued in this Mock Test Series after the enrollment in this course.

  • How can I receive the scholarship?

    To receive the scholarship, you must submit your details, result (PDF format) along with both written and video feedback through our form.

The Angel of Death Case Study

On May 24, 1943, the death camp at Auschwitz, Poland, welcomed a new member. He was Josef Mengele, a 32-year-old doctor who came to be known as The Angel of Death. Later, he became the chief operator of the concentration camp at Auschwitz.

He was a German anthropologist and physician who, since 1937, was associated with the SS, and on the orders of Adolf Hitler, he gained the position of chief doctor in the extermination camps set around Germany. He used to decide the fate of the incoming prisoners. He awarded them either torturous labor or immediate extermination.

As he was in a hurry to advance his medical career, his level of atrocities reached new heights. In lieu of medical treatment, he injected several thousand inmates with substances like petrol, chloroform, etc. to study their chemical effects. He also plucked out the eyes of corpses to study eye pigmentation, along with the dreadful study of twins.

He fled to Latin America by the end of WWII, honestly spent his life as an immigrant, and kept changing his location. His residential details were a mystery, as was his death. In 1979, he died as a result of drowning on a beach in Brazil. He was buried with his name changed to hide his identity.

His corpse was unearthed in 1985. However, due to his decomposition, it was difficult to recognize him. In this case, forensic dentistry came into play, and dental records confirmed his identity.

Ted Bundy Case Study

Ted Bundy is a well-known serial killer. He killed approximately 30 people or more. However, the physical evidence that could prove his crimes was scarce when he was arrested in 1975.

After two years of being convicted for kidnapping, during the time when he was set to face a stand trial for murder in Colorado, he fled to Florida.

In early 1978, he killed three more people there, and he was finally caught in February of the same year. However, this time there was enough physical evidence present that led to his conviction.

Out of all the evidence, the key evidence was a bite mark on the buttocks of victim Lisa Levy. Dental identification confirmed Bundy’s distinctive, crooked, and chipped teeth.

He also got convicted for murdering 12-year-old Kimberly Leach on the basis of fibers found in his van that matched the victim’s clothing. In 1989, Ted Bundy was put to death.

Megha Yadav


I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to the faculty of the UGC NET Learning Program. Their guidance and unwavering efforts has helped me alot in making this achievement possible.

Qualified NET, June 2021 

Manwi Shankar


I would like to thank Dr. Ranjeet Sir and the team at SIFS India for coming up with such an amazing programme. The programme has helped me a lot with timely revision and doubt clarification. I would highly recommend this course to someone who is looking for proper revision for their preparation.

Qualified JRF, December 2022 

Vaishali Sinha


This programme helped me a lot in my UGC NET/JRF preparation and because of your amazing team and their guidance i was able to achieve success in this exam. Thank you so much SIFS India for your help. I would like to tell the students who are preparing for UGC NET/ JRF in Forensic Science to choose this programme for their preparation.

Qualified NET, December 2022

Paheli Sharma


SIFS India is such a helpful organisation for forensic aspirants. The sessions provided by them were so helpful for me that i was able to crack the exam with much ease. Throughout the sessions i just practised and improved my mistakes under the guidance of their experiences and knowledgeable faculties. The learning environment was friendly and welcoming. Highly recommended.

Qualified JRF, June  2023

Sreekutti S


First and Foremost I would like to thank Dr. Ranjeet Singh Sir for providing this opportunity for me to enrol in this program. The curriculum set up by team SIFS India in the program really helped me to prepare for UGC NET/ JRF with much ease. High quality study material and mock tests really helped me build my concepts from ground up and helped me crack this exam. I am so happy for this achievement.

Thank You! Team SIFS India!

Qualified JRF, June 2023



Afreen Tarannum

Afreen Tarannum

Senior Scientific Officer
Ruchika Dwivedi

Ruchika Dwivedi

Scientific Officer

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₹ 1770
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Enquiries from Forensic Learners

Yes, you can definitely enroll in the mock tests using your smartphone. Our platform is mobile-friendly, and you can access all course materials and mock tests conveniently from your device. This gives you flexibility to prepare for the UGC NET exams anytime and anywhere. If you have any further questions about the enrollment process or need assistance, feel free to reach out.

No, the same test cannot be attempted multiple times. Each mock test is designed to provide a unique assessment experience. Additionally, you cannot download the question paper along with the answers after completing the test. This policy is in place to ensure the integrity and security of the testing process. If you have any further questions or need clarification, feel free to reach out.

Our UGC NET Mock Test Series includes a vast collection of mock tests covering various topics in the syllabus. This ensures that you get enough practice and a well-rounded understanding of all subjects. You will receive 10 unit-wise tests (50 questions each), 2 final exams (50 questions each) for Paper 1 and 40 practice tests (25 questions each), 10 unit-wise tests (50 questions each), 2 final exams (100 questions each) for Paper 2, and reference material for both papers. Demo tests are not provided and the mock tests are availbale in English language only.

Yes, once you enroll in the UGC NET Mock Test Series, you will have 24/7 access to all the tests for 3 months. You can take them at your convenience, allowing you to study and practice whenever it fits your schedule.

The UGC NET Mock Test Series is a set of practice exams designed to simulate the actual UGC NET exam pattern. It helps you familiarize yourself with the exam format (both Paper 1 and 2), manage your time effectively, and identify areas where you need improvement, ultimately boosting your confidence for the real test. All the mock tests are carefully designed by the professionals and align perfectly with the real exam format. Questions are created by considering past trends, latest syllabus, and frequently covered topics along with potential questions that might be asked.

To improve your scores, focus on understanding the concepts rather than just memorizing answers. Analyze your mock test results to identify weak areas, review related materials, and take notes on key topics. Consistent practice and time management during tests will also enhance your performance.

Yes, you can download the PDF versions of the previous 10 question years papers as part of the test series course. It will help you to access the course material offline also. However, you cannot download the practice questions and mock tests for both papers provided by the institute. You can only access them online after logging into the portal.

Once the course and materials has been accessed, you cannot apply for a refund even if you are not satisfied with the course material for the UGC NET Mock Test Series. So it is essential to review all the course details before enrolling to check if they match with your needs.

You will receive detailed feedback that includes your scores and correct answers, along with clear explanations for each question, after you complete each mock test. This feedback will help you understand what you did well and highlight the areas where you might need more practice. By identifying your strengths and weaknesses, you can formulate your study plan more effectively and improve your overall performance in the UGC NET exam.

We understand that not everyone has online payment options activated. Hence, we offer several alternative payment methods to ensure you can easily enroll in our courses. You can make payment through bank transfers, where you can directly deposit the fee into our account. If you prefer, you may also pay through cheque or demand draft, which can be sent to our office. For specific details regarding available payment options, get in touch with our support team for assistance.

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