Nice to know that at international level, there is some procedure to identify the victims especially those found in EXTREME REMOTE AREAS. Thanks SIFS Lab for organizing such valuable sessions for us. Keep up the good work.

Disaster Victim Identification involves identifying people with mass causalities. There are several phases of the DVI process that must be carried out efficiently and strictly in accordance with the incident that has taken place. To carry out such investigations, certain international standards have been prescribed that must be followed by the investigating DVI team as per INTERPOL Disaster Victim Identification Guide.
Every three to five years, there is an INTERPOL DVI team meeting where discussions about making the process easier for DVI teams are discussed, along with measures to simplify the quick scanning of DVI data available to identify the victim.
In this webinar on "INTERPOL Protocol Guide to DVI: Procedure in Mortuary", our speaker will highlight the phases of the DVI process, the need for mass disaster management, mortuary protocol guidelines, and international DVI standards.