Connection Between Graphology and Psychology

Connection Between Graphology and Psychology

BY SIFS India | October 20, 2024

Connection Between Graphology and Psychology

Graphology is an analysis of handwriting that determines the psychological traits of the individual.

It tells about personality traits, health disorders, psychological characteristics, etc.  There are misconceptions about graphology that it tells gender, caste, race, age of an individual which are a complete myth. 

Graphology aims to study the overall traits of human beings through their recent written material.

It is not just only limited to handwriting instead it also studies human personality through the individual’s drawings.

So basically the handwriting and drawing are the key components of graphology. 

Similarly, psychology is the study of human traits and the mind.

Psychology is the science that held experiments on people either in a socio-cultural context or individually in a systematic way.

Here we will learn about the connection between graphology and psychology.

Some Important Things About Handwriting

According, to famous psychologist Dr. Sigmund Freud what we write is the result of our unconscious mind.

Dr. Freud gave three levels of psyche state of our mind which are conscious, subconscious, and unconscious.

A conscious state includes the thoughts, feelings, and actions of which we are aware.

Subconscious is a mental activity we may become aware of if we observe it with little effort. Now let’s come to the unconscious state that includes mental activity which we are completely unaware of.

Questions That Might Arise in Your Mind:

  • What kind of thoughts do you have in your unconscious mind?
  • How unaware mental thoughts can be depicted in handwriting?

These questions are natural which may arise in everyone’s mind after knowing about the unconscious mind. So, let’s try to resolve each question.

  • The feelings and thoughts we suppress generally get stored in our unconscious mind. We should not suppress our thoughts, because suppression leads to an unhealthy mind.
  • According to Freud, handwriting, language, and slip of tongue are the main components that a graphologist or psychologist used to know about your unconscious mind.

After knowing about unconsciousness and psychology let’s try to understand how they are related to graphology.

The Connection Between Psychology and Graphology

The basic similarity between psychology and graphology is that both studies human characteristics.

It is sometimes misinterpreted that psychologist studies the mind of people, well it’s completely wrong.

Graphology examines individual traits through handwriting and psychology examines through therapies and other scientific methods. In both fields, researchers are on-going to study human personality.

If we focus on the examination of these fields, they both examine the person’s aggression, sadness, outlook towards life, happiness, health disorder (psychological as well as physical), etc.

They tell the intensity or severity of these characteristics in the individual.

No scientific evidence exists to support graphology, and it is generally considered a pseudoscience or scientifically questionable practice.

However, it remains in widespread use in many countries. It was considered legitimate in court areas in earlier times, but now a day’s graphology is getting a lot of value all over the world.

If we come to psychology, it has been derived from philosophy in ancient times. It is systematic and scientific. Psychology is wide spreading all over the world due to mental health issues.

Experts in experimental psychology and psychiatry also participated to study graphology in a broader and more scientific sense so that they can use it in their patient's treatment as well.

Sometimes patients are not able to open up or express themselves easily with the psychologist so here we can use their handwriting samples to get a glimpse of their problem.

Due to lockdown, people had suffered a lot of mental health disorders so psychologists are getting more prevalent nowadays.


So, in the end, I would like to conclude that both the subjects are growing in their own ways across the world.

These two subjects are not eventually connected, still, it depends on the psychologist or graphologist that how they can connect themselves with both the subjects to use in their ways.

The connection between graphology and psychology can do wonders and can help in the better prognosis of the psychological patients as well as individuals and can help them to improve their lives more positively.

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