Techniques, Case Studies, & Career Tips

Mass Graves Identification Methods in Forensics

By SIFS India | 21st June, 2023

Mass Graves Identification Methods in Fo...

Mass graves are archaeological aspects with humanitarian and forensic import. Their formation and su...

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The Human Identification of Disarticulated Corpses

By SIFS India | 3rd May, 2023

The Human Identification of Disarticulat...

The phenomenon of disappearances challenges and questions the capacities and resources of the Mexica...

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Skeletal Remains Significance in Forensic Science

By SIFS India | 4th January, 2023

Skeletal Remains Significance in Forensi...

Human remains or skeletal remains refer not only to a complete skeleton but also include a part of a...

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Significance of Radiocarbon Dating Method in DVI

By SIFS India | 15th June, 2020

Significance of Radiocarbon Dating Metho...

Radiocarbon dating method or 14C method (commonly known as Carbon-14 dating method) is used for dati...

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