Dr. Malvika Mehta

Graphologist & Forensic Investigator


Dr. Malvika Mehta

Dr. Malvika Mehta is a postgraduate in Forensic Investigation from Cranfield University. She began her journey with Graphology aka Handwriting Analysis in 2014. She has been trained by some of the best Indian as well as International mentors in Graphology. She began working towards a common goal of educating folks with concepts of the human thought process, the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious mind and trained 100’s of students until now. National Centre for Handwriting Studies® is her brainchild, located in Pune. She conducts certification programs from Basic to Diploma with a special focus on research led learning.

Until now she has conducted 2800+ analysis and provided 100’s of consultations offline as well as online. In the past, she has developed content for ‘Handwriting Improvement: The scientific way’ for children and has authored ‘My Left: handwriting Development Guide cum Workbook for Left-Handers’. Along with her passion in this field, she works as an independent forensic investigator, trainer, and consultant with several leading companies.

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