Dr. Shubhra Sanyal

Sewa Kuthir, New Delhi

Project Director

Dr. Shubhra Sanyal

Dr. Shubhra Sanyal is currently working as a Counsellor at OHBII, Sewa Kuthir, New Delhi, and was a former Senior Reader at National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, MHA, New Delhi. She has undergone training on Direct Training Skill and Designing of Training by ISMT and Addictive Behaviour among adolescents drug users and Women Empowerment. She started her career as a lecturer in Isabella Thoburn College, Lucknow and she has also worked as a lecturer in psychology in Jail Officers Training School, Lucknow. She was the senior faculty member at the National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science. She has worked as a Deputy Director at the National Institute of Social Defence and Head of the Drug Bureau and as a Deputy Director for Behavioural Training in the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management. After her retirement, she is actively busy in many research work like National Research on “Rehabilitation of released prisoners in India” for which she’s awarded the Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fellowship. She is the author of many books including ‘Save Your Children’ written for NCERT and ‘Communication and Counselling in the Work Place’. She has been part of many National and International seminars and conferences and went abroad to attend various training courses. She’s been honored with many awards like the Sushil Chandra Award by the All India Association of Criminology for her work in training and research.

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