Forensic Handwriting Analysis online training was fascinating! Expert practical guidance that I got from SIFS will truly help me in my career in forensics. Highly recommended.

Training Duration - 1 Month
01st May to 31st May 2022
For similar program (In Batches), kindly contact us at +91-7303913003.
The Forensic Handwriting Analysis Training by SIFS India is your gateway to mastering the art and science of deciphering the hidden story behind every stroke of the pen. This training is taught by experts in the field and crafted to equip you with the expertise required to excel in the field of forensic document examination.
The program covers a wide range of topics, like the principles and techniques of handwriting analysis, signature verification, analysis of different types of paper and ink, forgery techniques, tools used for handwriting analysis, report writing, providing expert testimony, etc., along with real-world case studies that provide you with a deep understanding of the intricacies involved.
You will develop skills to successfully analyze and compare handwriting samples and receive an industry-recognized certificate upon training completion. This program will help you gain expertise that opens doors to a wide range of career opportunities.
Batch was successfully completed with 65 Registered Students
List of Participating Countries
List of Participating Universities / Colleges / Organizations
Annamalai University
Christ University, Bengaluru
Delhi University, Delhi
Galgotias University, Greater Noida
Government Institute of Forensic Science, Nagpur
Holy Angel University, Philippines
SGT University, Gurugram
Uganda Revenue Authority, Uganda
University of Madras, Madras
University of Mumbai, Mumbai